A review by readincolour
On the Corner of Hope and Main by Beverly Jenkins


While some authors have problems maintaining the momentum with series, Beverly Jenkins rarely has that problem with the characters and story lines in her Blessings series. With so many existing and new characters to choose from, the author continues to give readers new and interesting stories, instead of recycling through previous story lines.

On the Corner of Hope and Main brings back town owner Bernadine Brown's arch nemesis, her ex-husband, at a time when she's still struggling to deal with her breakup with town OG, Malachi July. I love that Jenkins has created an independent "seasoned" female character who's smart, compassionate and business savvy without letting any of that be the reason why she's without a love interest. Often these traits serve as an excuse for why a protagonist is without. Jenkins let's us know that Bernadine is more than enough without Malachi and any reconciliation with him with be on her terms.

Between the return of former mayor Riley and his world famous pig, Cletus, along with Bernadine's ex-husband and a mayoral election, plenty of hijinks ensue, but at the heart of this book is relationships, which serve as the foundation for everything in Henry Adams. I love how Jenkins keeps the friendships of the women and men in town front and center.

The author also preps readers for the next book in the series as we see one of the town's original "kids" preparing for life outside of the small town, another kid struggling to find her place within the town, the continuation of a newcomer's place in town, and two potential residents (and a potential romance for an existing resident) who will hopefully arrive in town soon.

I've often told Ms. Bev that I wish a place like Henry Adams existed. I would gladly move there in a heartbeat!