A review by redhickory
Click: One Novel, Ten Authors by David Almond


“Ten voices, one story” is a stretch but the stories are inter-woven.

“Lev” by Ellis & “Min” by Wynne-Jones were my favourites.
Min is a dark but beautiful story, with an unfolding over events in layers. The central figure in the stories is G, a photo journalist; the other important figures are Maggie & Jason (his grandchildren). The first and last stories have Maggie as the narrator/central character and the final story talks of events of the previous stories.

All of the stories show how G has touched the lives of others, sometimes in small but important ways and this shows us how one person can be different things to different people, how small kindnesses can be so influential to the recipient, as well as showing us there are many different ways to look at the world.

The magical components of the stories fell short for me (especially story 9 where the main character could make another person by wishing she had a different life and then she could feel their lives) and the final story half succeeds at bringing the other stories together (via a photographic exhibition) but fails to provide a solid conclusion to the earlier richness of the stories. Still it was a very good read and probably even better for young adults (the book’s intended audience).