A review by maddiesreading23
Wrecked by Lauren Asher


'Elena is the one thing I couldn't anticipate this year. She threatens everything I thought I could accept about my life.'

Jax and Elena are officially my favourite couple of the dirty air series! Their story is so beautiful and their individual struggles are both so relatable - they have both overcome so much to get to this point in their lives, to get to each other; I love them both so much <3

'Jax Kingston stole a piece of my heart, and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get it back. And worse, I don’t know if I want it.'

Their banter is top tier, their flirting *chef's kiss* and their tension ahhh I just loved it all so much! The push-and-pull with these two is just delicious - I was rooting for them the entire time - every time i thought they would give in, they pushed each other away and it made it so frustrating but also had me so eager for when they finally let their walls down and allowed themselves to be vulnerable with each other.

"My favourite days are the gloomiest. And it teaches us how even the ugliest storms can lead to a rainbow at the end."

ELENA MY GIRL!!! a buffy/spike fan after my own heart - I was down bad for her from the beginning of the book so is it any surprise Jax was too? How can anyone not love her, she's strong and badass and does her best to fight every day and especially on the dark days. I love how hard she worked to show Jax that life is worth truly living, not just existing inside of until it ends; she believed in him enough for the both of them <3 I love watching her growth in this story, facing her fears, knowing her worth and refusing to back down. AND THE LITTLE NOTES SHE WROTE HIM GAHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH! She wants to do everything in her power to help him see that he doesn't have to confine himself to the path that he thinks he has to lead and I adore her for that even more - for someone who has suffered such horrific things, it would be easy to just sink into the misery and despair with him, but instead she does everything she can to show him that they can both come out the other end stronger together <3

'I want to change because someone who has every reason to walk away refuses to leave my side.'

Jax!!! I was so excited for his book because i just KNEW we were going to get a sweeter, softer side to him compared to the way he is perceived by people in the first two books. Yes, he's still an arrogant dickhead at times, but knowing WHY he is the way he is, you see this pain in him that he doesn't allow others to get close enough to see. I love that he lets Elena in, that he shares his struggles with her and lets her be a safe space for him and in turn he learns to be the same for her. Jax is a completely different person with Elena - I would argue he's his truest self with her - and his family, and it's such a beautiful side of him to see. The vulnerability and fear he has over his future, this need to protect Elena from himself is so bittersweet to see, but I loved it so much! AND THE NIGHTLIGHTS!? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?!?!? He really set the bar high there.

"I wish I hated you. But instead, you're making me like you more. You pretend to be this put-together person, but you're broken - damaged like me. And the absolute fucking worst is that I want to know your messed-up parts too. I want to put them together with mine and see what we create."

Honourable mention to Elias; the moment he said “Listen to a Taylor Swift song, meet a new man, and move on” i knew he was a real one. His kinship with Elena is so pure and sweet, I love how protective he is of her and how much he wants her to be happy. and Caleb!!! ever the charmer lol I loved him so much, his friendship with Jax is so cute and funny but also his flirtatious nature with Elena was so fun to read. I would honestly read an entire book on either of them because their personalities are just so damn funny and loveable!

This book will hold a special place in my heart forever.