A review by leighannsherwin
Twice Royal Lady by Hilary Green


I have been in an awful reading slump lately. I wasn't entirely sure if it was because of stressful situations and problems going on in my life, or maybe I was reading bad books. After reading Twice Royal Lady I can say that it was more likely for the past month I have chosen some bad books to read. For the first time in a long time I was able to escape the stress and uncertainty going around me. I was nearly late back to work on breaks because I had a difficult time putting the book down. I have mentioned in other reviews that Hilary Green is an author I enjoy and look forward to read and she didn't disappoint this time around. The story follows Matilda, who at the tender age of eight is betrothed to the Emperor of Germany Henry. From the opening chapter we meet the defiant proud and stubborn Matilda and follow her through most of her life. And what a life it is. History truly comes alive in this story. There were times I admired Matilda for her courage and strength and other times I wanted to scream at her for her actions. Even she herself admitted she drove people away by being too prideful. Widowed in her twenties (I guess that was old for those times) and married off again to someone I could only describe as a spoiled little snot (my opinion of him was swayed very little throughout the book) she eventually delivers three sons. While expecting the third her father dies and the story truly takes off. Despite this being a novel based on real historical events, Green manages to create such suspense and intensity, first as Matilda waits and bides her time to return to England and claim her place and then all of the delays that occur afterward. When she finally does get to England she is in for the fight of her life to gain what she truly believes was meant for her, the throne of England. Overall a very enjoyable dramatic and at times suspenseful story. The characters were all well fleshed out and portrayed as the real people they were with flaws and weaknesses. The book was beginning to get a bit repetitive toward the end, however as I began to notice this, the book was wrapped up and so it wasn't really that big of a deal for me. As I said a great read, my gratitude to Hilary Green for writing such a gripping book that it at last helped break my reading slump. I look forward to reading her next book.