A review by shellbow
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
 I can see how this book series is perhaps a foundational one, but unfortunately I could not move past the markers of its age.

Particularly, the way women are written. Most every woman we meet is being abused physically/mentally, if not sexually. And there is not really any sympathy extended towards these women. They're seen as vapid, shallow, useless, and more often than not ugly (as if this is a mark of their character). The one exception, of course, is our protagonist Lessa - a classic "not like other girls".

One such passage that really sticks out to me is when Lessa and the other girls taken for the searching (against their will) are dropped into an arena to potentially bond with the new dragon queen. Lessa "....regarded them curiously, contemptuous of their tears, although her heart was probably beating no less rapidly than theirs...Her contempt of their bleating made her aware of her own temerity...Let them be afraid." 

Two of these girls were then mutilated. In my mind, their fear was justified. 

The prose itself was also confusing at times, and there seemed to be some context to the dialogue I couldn't understand. I chalked this up to a style of the times it was written. I could have been able to push past that, if the blatant misogynistic tones were easier for me to stomach. It was for those reasons I ultimately decided to DNF. 

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