A review by readmemarie
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton


I picked this book up after hearing Keris talk at the diversity panel at YALC this year as it sounded like something I'd really enjoy, and I was right - I loved it!

This book is set as the 5 girls - Ella, Lou, Issey, Liane and Paige - move into a house together for second year of university and it follows their year as they become closer friends, whilst dealing with their own personal battles and secrets, friendships, relationships and just general uni life.

This book was a great lighthearted read that was super cute and fun to read. Not only is there LGBTQ+ rep, but the book is very sex positive and all 5 girls the book focuses on are very loveable and talk openly about sexuality and sex which is great. The book focuses particularly on a "fuck it list" - a list of people someone should sleep with - someone with tattoos, someone who can't speak the same language as you, someone twice your age, etc. This makes the book quite a lighthearted and funny book, but also in places deals with more serious issues.

I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a quick read which has loveable characters and just a fun plot. This was my first Keris Stainton book I've read and I can't wait to read more!