A review by natalie_and_company
Everything I Know About Love: A Memoir by Dolly Alderton


 In the tumultuous world that we live in today, I find it deeply comforting to submerge myself in other people's perceptions about love. As a pillar to my own world view my beliefs about Love have been the thing that has carried me on every journey I've embarked on, the thing that has brought me to who I am today. To watch other experience this, this view of life through a lens of love, is a deeply personal and reassuring experience. So often do I feel like it is easy for us to delve so deep into the darkness of the world. Finding ourselves in the midst of the abyss is a frequent pastime that often takes the form of literature. It is just as important to find the good things and delve into them with as much gusto as we try and find the roots of despair with. Stories like Ms. Dolly's holds special space for these good things, and inspire others to do the same.

More so than being about love itself, this book is a love letter to the women in our lives who love us. To the thorough care and consideration given by the women around us. The women that water us and urge us to grow. The women that exist in your own personal sphere in all types of ways. The big and the little pieces of what love from women in your life brings.

From what I knew about this book, I expected it to be a conglomerated jumble of messy stories. But there was such a magnificent flow to the book. When Alderton brings all of her points together, wrapping them up in the neat little bow that is "floating in a sea of love" I could not help but be deeply moved. The full circle, full perspective writing of this memoir makes every memory, every recipe, every list, impactful and important. Every written piece has value because of the way Dolly Alderton artfully strings them together into one cohesive life story made of many parts, just as she describes her own ideas of Love and Life as made of many many different parts all put together.

To read this book feels like honoring the women in our lives who have pulled us through the darkest times. They have always been there. You will feel inspired to call old friends, or hang out with your dear ones after reading this because it so artfully inspires personal feelings of love in the reader, building these feelings up in a way that encourages action afterwards. Encourages gratitude, encourages laughter, encourages love. What a beautiful collection of stories shared.