A review by beecheralyson
Sea by Heidi R. Kling


Sienna "Sea" Jones lost her mother to a plane accident three years ago. Her father, a psychiatrist who does relief work in underdeveloped countries, decides that maybe a trip to Indonesia to help with children victims of the Tsunami will help her heal from her own loss.

I have to say I truly loved this book (and that is saying a lot since I really prefer fantasy/paranormal books). I really liked Sienna and all the other characters in the book. I felt like the relationship Sienna had with her dad was well portrayed. And the journey Sienna make personally and emotionally is mirrored through the physical journey of the plane ride to Indonesia and throughout her experiences there and then Sienna's return to California. And for those who like a little romance...that is there too (Ah, Deni! Ah, Spider!)

The shortish chapters, and easy writing style will make this book something that even reluctant readers can quickly get into. It would work for tweens or teens and even students of various cultural backgrounds will find ways to relate to Sienna's story.

What a fantastic debut novel from Heidi R. Kling. I look forward to future books by her.