A review by themumwhoreads
Always and Forever by Karla J. Nellenbach


Review also published on my blog StudentSpyglass

Source: Review copy for a blog tour

Plot: ★★★★
Characters: ★★★★★
Readability: ★★★★★
Overall: ★★★★★

I know I said realistic fiction wasn’t really my thing, but I’ve been trying to step out of my [fantasy dominated] comfort zone this year, so forgive me!

I have to admit, I loved Always and Forever. Mia, a sixteen year old cancer survivor gets diagnosed with a second type of cancer…an inoperable one, that doesn’t leave her with a lot of time. Determined not to fall prey to cancer and the indeterminable wait, she decides to take matters into her own hands, pushing her friends and family away as she tries to orchestrate her own death. I’ll be honest, this was a bit of a stretch for me, but the rest of the characters MORE than made up for Mia’s somewhat bizarre rationalisations.

Kal in particular is one of the most likeable characters I’ve read about in a long time, and throughout the book I veered from hating him to wanting to hug him – just as Mia does. Karla Nellenbach’s writing sucks you in so you can’t help but understand exactly how Mia feels, even if you want to shake her sometimes!

I’m not a big crier, but I have to confess that I pretty much sobbed my way through the entire book! The final scenes are especially beautifully written. If you’re looking for a beautiful, heart-wrenching story with a good dash of romance and some wonderful characters, look no further!