A review by robinlovesreading
No Holding Back by Lori Foster


Vigilantism, revenge, and passion all play huge role in this first book in a new series by prolific author Lori Foster.

Sterling Parson, with a nickname she no longer wants used - Star - is a truck driver who takes breaks at a bar that is on her route. She feel safe there and spends many hours there. She draws the attention of bar owner Cade McKenzie and at it does not take him long to recognize that she is in danger. He offers her safety but the question is whether or not she can trust him.

Sterling is soon injured so her trust really becomes at play because of the very reason she spent so much time at that bar. She had something happen to her when she was a teenager and it is that experience that led her to become a vigilante of sorts.

Revenge comes into play when someone she is after will do anything to bring her to an end, but not without having her suffer greatly. Then there is the undeniable passion that is evident between Sterling and Cade. The connection is all too palpable and proves to only be a matter of time before they give in. However, while this is explored, her safety is something that is very important to him and he never once loses sight of this.

I found this to be a remarkable story. The ultimate joint goal both Sterling and Cade had was to stop sex traffickers. However, Sterling worked on her own, whereas Cade worked with his family. Whether or not they could all work together only time would tell. I found this book to be an absolute fantastic read because it dealt with very serious issues without becoming too graphic. Another fabulous aspect of this book was how Sterling and Cade's relationship grew. I love how it started off on a protective basis but grew to passionate proportions, yet neither of them ever lost sight of the victims of the horrendous actions of sex traffickers.

As this is the first book in a new series by Lori Foster, I am eager to read the following stories, and would love to see this remarkable family take down more disgusting traffickers. I have always loved Ms. Foster and have read countless books by her and have never once been disappointed. This new book kept me riveted from beginning to end, bringing me conflicting emotions - from feeling sad for the victims, yet rooting for the expected happily ever after.

Many thanks to Hqn and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.