A review by sidharthvardhan
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius


There was a time when to emphasize the importance the fiscal correction by goverment to resolve short term crisis, Keynes said "In the long term, we are all dead." That answered all classical economicsts who suggested that market can heal itself in long run.

Aurelius might have said this "In long term, we are all dead" but to argue that thus nothing matters. There are many other ideas but this stoicism is probably the one you are most likely to remember. That said, his stoicism isn't averse to action but just to do what can be done and avoid needless worrying. Although personally I think worrying is more an emotional and irrational matter - you can't just reason your worrying heart to any consolation.

I read somewhere that it is easier for someone like him to philosphise - being a king and all, but to be honest, I think being a king probably makes it difficult to live by such philosphies. I have to wonder how come he wasn't usurped given how easily he desires to forgive others. Power is a jealous mistress, it rarely resides long enough with someone who doesn't desire it for itself, and isn't willing to compromise on their values to retain it.