A review by ramseyhootman
How I'm Spending My Afterlife by Spencer Fleury


You'll enjoy this book if you go into it understanding that everyone is going to make bad choices and nobody is going to come out a better person in the end. It's sort of noir-ish, sort of thriller-ish, with a lot of tongue-in-cheek observational humor made by terrible, selfish people about other terrible, selfish people. (I kept thinking, this is the sort of book my dad would really appreciate.) It's a slow-rolling train wreck that's hard to look away from. In general, I prefer to feel at least some element of sympathy for the anti-hero, but Alton (the protagonist/antagonist) makes this very difficult. Nevertheless, it was fun to read and I just kept turning pages. I read it on my kindle, and when I got to the end I was very surprised to see that the print version is 400 pages - it felt much shorter!