A review by amoskane
Flights by Olga Tokarczuk


Spoilers! Questions for those who have read:
1) at the end, I thought we were supposed to assume kunicki is rushing off to kill himself. Back on the island. Did you think that? He’d been driven mad by the wife not explaining why she had wandered off. And I also thought I was supposed to let the wife off the hook, because she shared the same thing as the narrator: an urge to go. But like you can be an unethical slut, I thought she was an unethical wanderer. She drove poor Kunicki in two!
2) any other women readers who just groaned at the Dr. Blau character? Do I have to read this character AGAIN? Some nasty man wanting to collect real female genitalia? Really? Did anyone find empathy with this guy? What a toad. Why this one, Olga?

If you had trouble with the jumpy narrative nature of this book, I highly recommend Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead!! It’s a story and the characters are embraceable, a much easier read.