A review by ajlawford
A Fool and His Honey by Charlaine Harris


I’m shocked to report that there is a large number of very obvious typos in this eBook edition I read. I’m not sure if this is poor editing, or maybe errors introduced when it was converted to an eBook. Maybe the original publication from the 90’s wasn’t easily converted? The typos give the story an amateur feel. Charlaine has been writing books for a very long time, and I’m enjoying reading her older work, but I can definitely say her writing has improved.

Spelling aside, there are parts of this story that seem incomplete. The scenes aren’t rushed, they just sometimes stop. There will be a great passage painting a very vivid scene with great dialogue and then it just moves on without finishing their conversation. This is a short book, so there is room for the scenes to be fleshed out more.

Being a new mother myself, I quite enjoyed the parts with the newborn. Though after a few rough nights and the baby slept through, I snorted and exclaimed loudly “yeah, right, as if!” This absurd little story was believable except for that one line lol

I did get a little kick of enjoyment seeing Aurora mention Stephanie Plum, another 90’s mystery series I’m reading through. That was very much an inception moment.

Overall I didn’t guess the ending, but it wasn’t really thrilling or shocking. Just the usual Aurora style ending where everything is resolved. Still interested in continuing the series, if only because they are a quick easy read and good as a break between heavier books.