A review by kjanie
One Woman's Treasure by Jean Copeland


3.5/5 stars

This was a really sweet, heartwarming and enjoyable romance. Although I did enjoy the book overall, I can’t say it is a favourite of mine. I think this is almost entirely about personal preference of what you like/tolerate in romance and what you don’t. My major peeve with this book was that it was one of those stories in which we are supposed to believe the characters are just friends, while they date other people, even though it is glaringly obvious that they have feelings for each other. I just find this kind of story a bit messy and very frustrating, although I know other people won’t mind. If you are looking for a very genuine, down to earth friends-to-lovers romance then I definitely recommend this one, regardless of my personal preferences about the plot devices that were used.

Daphne was very much my kind of character. She was quite shy, a bit awkward but also entirely loveable. She had so much developing to do, which really adds a whole new element in the book as I rooted for her the entire time. Nina was a lot more self-confident and assertive than Daphne but she was also quite goofy at times, which gave the book a really a genuine feeling. I loved their friendship and their romance, but I did feel like their romance developed really fast once they actually got together. I still really enjoyed their relationship it was heartwarming, emotionally-fulfilling and overall just really sweet.