A review by mynameisjack
The Punisher MAX: Born by Garth Ennis


'If you think payback's bad... You haven't met Frank Castle'

#1-4 Born

I've decided to re-read the Punisher Max run and I'll use reviews to keep track of things. So let's start from the beginning: Born. This isn't so much fa Frank Castle origin story but more of a Punisher origin story- we'll get to The Platoon a little bit later.

Here we join Frank on his third tour in the Vietnam War. The story itself is set on the Valley Forge base in Camodia with the Vietnam War slowly coming to an end. This setting provides all the usual stuff you'd expect- murder, guns, incompetent United States' generals and some more guns. The Camodian jungle looks absolutely beautiful when it isn't being shot apart or sprayed in guts and other fun stuff. Captain Frank Castle is doing a seemingly rare thing of actually giving a damn whereas everybody else - aware of the imminent end to the war - are relaxing and waiting to go home. Frank's motives are constantly coming into question throughout the arc. Does he genuinely care about his unit or does his never-ending lust for war take control?

Born does venture a bit into the politics of the Vietnam War but I'm going to completely avoid that because I know absolutely fuck all about it save for what this piece of fiction offers.

For those of you who have seen the Netflix show and are unsure on where to begin I highly recommend starting here. The Max run offers an alternative to the show but has all the same gratuitous violence you'd come to expect with someone called 'The Punisher'. Also Jon Bernthal is the best Punisher don't @ me.

Up next: 'In the Beginning' Punisher #1-6