A review by aliu6
Waiting for You by Elle Spencer


4.5 stars

Lindsay Hall has memories of a past life and a past love. It has helped her become a successful painter, known for her portraits of a boy who doesn't exist anywhere except in her mind. However, her visions of the past haven't done her any favors in her personal life, and now Lindsay is a divorced mother, still chasing the ghost of a beautiful woman named Roo who her past self was in love with. Then Ren Christopher speeds into town, and Lindsay is sure Ren is Roo reborn. The two women are drawn to each other immediately, but Ren is leaving for Paris in two weeks and she doesn't really buy into Lindsay's reincarnation stuff either. Will Lindsay and Ren be forced apart like they were back in their past lives, or was their love really meant to be?

cw: homophobia (in the past)

First, I want to say that when I was deciding whether to request this book on Netgalley, I was a bit hesitant because the blurb sounded a little kooky. But then I was like, it's Elle Spencer and, let me tell you, she did not disappoint.

The Characters: I loved almost all of them. Spencer uses a large and varied cast of side characters to add to the plot, so the book really captures the small-town feel, where everyone is in each others' business. It also made for a more intricate plot. That being said, I would also have been totally satisfied if Lindsay and Roo were the sole focus of the story. They are so cute together, and hot! They both have fully fleshed out personalities, and it was easy to fall in love with both of them.

The Plot: This is not your average romance, as you can probably tell by the blurb. It was really interesting to watch the story unfold, since Lindsay ends up remember more and more details of her past life. The side plots with the other townspeople were also really interesting and did not detract from the main romance plot.

The Writing: I always love Elle Spencer's dialogue. She makes it flow so well, and I can always expect flirting, teasing, and witty comebacks. This book was no exception and in fact raised the bar in my opinion.

Cons: Not a big con, but the character of Patty rubbed me the wrong way a bit. Perhaps partially because I felt awkward about her being interested in both Lindsay and Ren at different points in the story. Some of her lines also didn't quite land for me, and she comes off as rash and immature. Still, she has her moments, and she's a good friend to Lindsay for the most part.

All in all: Would recommend this book! It's definitely something new and a really enjoyable read.

** I received an ARC via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.