A review by readingqueen
Blessing by Lyn Cote


I finished this book in about three hours of nonstop reading. Blessing was an interesting look at the life of a young, unconventional Quaker widow. She is often referred to by others as a radical suffragist, as her views on women and their rights were seen as appalling to society and men in general. Still struggling from the hard memories of her marriage to a non-Quaker she married when she was young and naïve, Blessing strives to use her newfound freedom to rescue and take care of orphans, many of them being unwanted children of prostitutes. Not only that, but she is also involved with helping runaway slaves looking for safety.

Gerard Ramsay is a society man from Boston. He has little to nothing in common with Blessing, but finds himself at first annoyed and then intrigued by this Quaker woman. Running away from a difficult family life, he attempts to make his own fortune in Cincinnati and instead finds something completely unexpected. I really admired his character for all that he had gone through.

I was hooked from the start, so I would highly recommend Blessing. While Blessing can be read as a standalone, don’t forget to check out the first book Honor and the third book Faith coming out in Spring 2016.