A review by amberunmasked
Enchantments: A Modern Witch's Guide to Self-Possession by Mya Spalter


I had the pleasure of reviewing this book through NetGalley. My longer review is at my blog. http://www.amberunmasked.com/review-enchantments/

Mya Spalter created an entertaining and budget-friendly look on modern witchcraft. She also laid things bare about working at Enchantments, the oldest witch shop in New York City. She talked about some creepy customers; and was totally honest about why the staff might come off as cold or moody on certain days. Her advice is none other than practical.

This doesn’t mean that only newbies to the craft should read Enchantments. I thoroughly loved every page of this book and I’ve been a practicing witch (basically since I was a kid, but hid it) openly since for over 20 years. I’ve studied with the best like staff at Mystickal Tymes in New Hope, PA and Laurie Cabot from Salem, MA.

What I loved about Spalter was that the reading experience felt like a conversation where we were friends hanging out. By the end, I truly wished we were. She's a dynamo. I have so many passages of Enchantments highlighted.

Spalter presents inexpensive options for finding tools and supplies. Hit up yard sales, dollar stores, and simply work with what is already in your possession.

The illustrations by Caroline Paquita add the flavor of folk art and creation/creative energy bringing the chapters to life. To summarize, if you have any interest at all in how witches today practice, read this book.