A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The World of the Hunger Games by Kate Egan


I don't even remember when I bought this book. A very long time ago, I guess. But this month I'm trying to clean out my TBR, I read this book on the bus to work this morning. I didn't even make it to the train station with it, because it was more picture than text, but as a short introduction to the Hunger Games world it actually manages to summarize the world and the book quite well.

The book presents a mixture of the story we see in the movie, the extra storylines we get in the book and the views and meanings from Collins behind her writing and world. What I like is how the book clearly explains the roots of this story (in ancient Rome, Greece and the contemporary reality shows we all watch) and that it's not even a far stretch from where we are today, although some people might feel it is.

For me the text sometimes was a little too simple, almost phrased like a children's book and the pictures and the text didn't always completely line up. But it's a nice little booklet to have on the shelf with the rest of my collection.