A review by bookcheshirecat
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake

emotional lighthearted medium-paced


“Sexuality is complicated. It’s not static. People change and sexuality can change too.” 

Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail takes up back to Bright Falls! This time we follow Delilah's stepsister Astrid and I was so excited to finally get her perspective, especially as we mostly saw her in a negative light before. I have to admit that I liked this even more than the first book. Astrid is such a well-written character. She's got high standards for herself and has worked hard to be a successful designer. After ending things with her toxic fiancé  Astrid is ready to move on with her life and stop second-guessing herself. She decides to join the redesign of the Everwood Inn which will be televised for a renovation show! There she has to work together with the owner's granddaughter Jordan Everwood, who has some very different expectations for the Inn!

I loved the characters and romance so much! Astrid and Jordan are such different people and immediately clash. However, they have to work together for the sake of the show and grow closer together despite their differences. I liked that the story explored Astrid discovering her sexuality, it's so important to show Adults unsure about their orientation and taking the time to find out how they are. Astrid has got a great support system with her friends and a rekindled relationship with her stepsister Delilah. It's even more important in the wake of her mother. She's super controlling and constantly obsessed with their image. It feels suffocating to Astrid and she has to find out if her happiness aligns with what her mother wants. 

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