A review by kaylani_simplyme
Steel King by Devney Perry


Wow I had so much fun with this story! 
Everything from the banter, to the character development, to the spicy scenes, to the suspense / mystery aspect of the story kept me hooked from beginning to the end. I really just love Devney Perry's writing! 
This story was funny and witty and romantic while also being deeply personal and sad. Seeing these characters break down their walls with one another was beautiful. I wish that we would have seen a bit more of Bryce's family but I loved seeing the relationship dynamics between Dash and his father. I'm curious to see if that will be expanded on as the series continues. 

I also really enjoyed the different spin on a MC club. Too see these characters care so much for the brothers of the club that they were willing to get on the right side of the the law for the right reason was a really refreshing take. But somehow it also still felt like a MC club in its truest sense. 

I cannot wait to move on and see what else this small town, former MC club has in store of us.