A review by vandarpapi
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker


Being rich doesn't come with just acquiring money from the get-go. It is also about thinking and focusing on money, which primarily comes from our perceptions of the medium, leading to creating immense wealth over time. This is what separates rich people from middle-class and poor people: developing their millionaire mindset above all. From mind alone could already create and accumulate riches.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind exercises the tested standards and beliefs regarding wealth, which held existing rich people and their businesses afloat throughout the years. It mainly emphasizes the importance of sticking to your long-term goals that leads into an overflowing success – such as re-programming your past behaviour and adopting the rich people's money blueprint. T. Harv Eker has provided key insights and learnings, which mainly arise from his audience's experience in the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar.

As thoughtful as it can be in realizing the stark contrast of rich people from poor and middle-class people, Harv also does what self-help gurus specializes for. The if-it-works-for-me-then-it-would-also-works-for-you easy cashgrab approach could have been better and more subtle if it's not in every success story of every chapter. His insistence on promoting his seminar reduces the unique qualities of his teachings.

That being said, with all the wit and humour that this author displayed, I think SMM is a lot more focused on presenting a quick but effective overview of how rich people thrive in this fast-paced economy than most financial books. It goes to say that it really takes a man to be wealthy!