A review by whykimwhenyoucanseokjin
Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa


2,5 ⭐ rounded up to 3.

Just last week my brain was like hmm why isn't there a pride and prejudice retelling but gay out there? The internet sure did its brain reading thing because yesterday i was watching one of WithCindy videos on YouTube and she recommended this saying that's it's a pride and prejudice gay retelling. I was on board right away, got the book and started reading it not even 2 hours later.

The start of the book was promising, i enjoyed the fact that the event were close to the original novel and i couldn't help but feel overjoyed that i finally found exactly what i was craving. But...and of course there's a but in this....i was disappointed.

This book followed the original events while also giving us its own original look at things. The charecters were close to what they were in Jane Austen's novel. The thing i didn't like though, is how unrealistic and fast some things happened. You're telling me, that in their timeline, the dad finds his "daughter" sneaking out in men's clothing at night and he's just like "haha you look cute babe, go off" dude??? No , jut no. Literally my soul died when i read this scene, because there's no way in hell his reaction would be like that. Sure i know the dad loves Oliver, and sure he's not as strict as many other, but still!! There should've been some kind of tension at first, the dad should've been shocked or not understanding, because this is not something a person of their time just accepts like it's nothing, i wish it was but it just isn't. It really threw me out of loop when it happened.

Well speaking of discoveries, let's also speak of how the mom reacted when she found out ! That's the problem tho...she didn't. There was no real reaction. You're telling me I've read 300 pages of Oliver being terrified to be caught by his mother, and said mother saying and doing all those things just for what? For her to suddenly all her charecter and accept him in an instant? Don't make me laugh please, i was literally so mad!!

Also Oliver was literally so annoying at times, i wanted to shake him. Dude ! Use some common fucking sense! How do you expect people to call you by the name you want and the pronouns you want when they don't even know what you want?? Like i do get the frustration i promise, I'm going through it too, but is that a reason to get mad at people all the time for something you didn't tell them? And sure you can say it's dangerous to tell them, but that also means you shouldn't get so pissed. Idk man, maybe it's a me problem but i just hated it.

Also there's no way you can tell me lal these people were so woke at a time like that. Some scenes in this book made me giggle at how ridiculous and 2024 mentality they were.

Anyways, at least this one scratched the pride and prejudice itch i had.