A review by booksbydann
Business Casual by B.K. Borison



Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley Romance for the E-Arc of this book

“I’ll stay as long as you want me to, Nova girl.”

Business Casual was a punch in the gut I wasn't expecting.

I really liked this book even though I think that in the romance aspect it fell very short for me. I was loving it, but in the middle it lost a bit of its magic for me. Other than that, I was able to enjoy it a lot and devoured it in no time.

I loved the dynamic between Nova and Charlie, it was so sweet how it all developed. Nova is such a queen, but the character that literally stole my heart was Charlie. This book was a punch in the gut because of Charlie. Because the way I connected with his insecurities and the way he lives his life was illegal. It nearly brought me to tears seeing how he lives smiling, joking and hiding everything that affects him, trying not to take up too much space or bother people for fear that people will stop loving him.

This quote right here just hurt me too much:

I take up too much space, I want to tell her. I'm loud and sometimes I don't know how to stop talking. I'm a lot and I know that. I can't figure out how to make myself fit, but I'm trying. I promise I'm trying.

Charlie? The best thing in this book.

Overall, It was lighthearted and fun read. This is the second book I read by B. K. Borison and I think I could probably read more works from her in the future.