A review by jessicamap
The Fear by Rae Louise


"Fear is all in the mind ..." This book. I've been on a thriller/mystery kick lately, so a good horror book was something I needed. Oh man, this was perfect! So creepy. So scary. I loved it. Do you like The Conjuring? Insidious? Well, here is the next book you need to read!

Mia’s nightmares become a reality when she and her troubled sister, Jamie, inherit their uncle’s house after he passes away. They experience phenomena that extends way beyond your typical haunting. Only Mia’s infant daughter is aware of the sinister presence of a man that roams freely about the house, but it’s Jamie who has become the subject of the entity’s torment.

No one’s secrets stay buried for long, and the psychological abuse that the family are forced to endure soon turns physical, with the demon’s attachment to Jamie taking on a violent and sexual nature. When the evil spreads beyond the boundaries of the house and wreaks chaos in the lives of those closest to Mia, she knows that she must uncover the house’s past, along with the identity of its ghostly inhabitant, in order to sever his hold on anyone who enters.

Most possession type stories can either fall flat or be incredibly scary, this one was definitely the latter! Reading this in the house, at night, home alone....not a good idea. Every creak and sound from the dogs freaked me out. It definitely had the feeling of The Conjuring 2, when the little girl in London is possessed by the demon. It preys on the weaker soul of Mia's sister and won't let go. If you're a believer in possession, then this one will send a chill down your spine and have you checking around every corner.

I give this 5/5 creepy stars!

A big thanks to Black Rose Writing for the ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.