A review by haletostilinski1
Noble Hops by Layla Reyne


4.5 stars!

Cam and Nic have been a fave couple for me alongside Aiden and Jamie, and finally getting the conclusion to their story was awesome, I couldn't put it down - except for the basic human function of sleeping :P.

Cam and Nic are back in this last installment to finally take down Vaughn once and for all, who has been a looming threat since book one.

I did give .5 stars off for not as much romance as I wanted - it was there, but a big part of this book was focused on the case, and Nic's past and all that - and the sex felt rushed, mostly, and given that this was their final book, I feel that those sex scenes, or at least one of them, could have taken it's time and lasted longer.

But ultimately it didn't take too much away from the story, which was exciting and tense and page turning. And despite not as big a focus on Nic and Cam's relationship, it was still there, subtle but strong, and every interaction they had was permeated by their love for each other, and they didn't give up or waver in that love throughout all the ups and downs in this book - even if there was a doubt a few times.

This book tied up all the loose ends well, too - taking care of the moles in the FBI and the Attorney's office Nic worked at, and finally getting Vaughn and Nic and Cam getting to settle down and be happy together. Plus the things from Nic's past that needed to be dealt with, talked about with Cam.

I've loved these two together so much, and I definitely want another short about them, at least, like we got with Aiden and Jamie, and hopefully it can
Spoilerbe Cam and Nic's wedding as well :D Y/Y?

I very much recommend this if you've been keeping up with this series and have been enjoying it. It might not have had as much Nic and Cam together, just them, alone, as I wanted, but it was so good and entertaining and the ending was perfect. Two massive thumbs up from me!

***ARC generously provided by the Alpha Book Club & Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.***