A review by meghjcollins
Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors


The book starts by orbiting Cleo and Frank in their whirlwind meeting and relationship, however as you move through, the centre of gravity shifts and warps as we meet the other people within their universe and each one is created with a fullness and thoughtfulness I've not seen in a long time. 

This book had me in a chokehold, I was reading this while queuing, in bed, whenever I had a spare 5 minutes. I was obsessed with the world Mellors had created and as you can see, found about 100,000 lovely quotes within it. 

Me, HANNAH and ELLIE were lucky enough to go and see COCO talk with Jack Edwards at Hay, then get our books signed (also had a really cute micro chat about being baby sisters). During her talk Mellors said that she loves reading a book, where as a reader, you see something and think "I'm not the only one", for me, Cleo and Frank embodies that idea. 
I found relating to these characters was easy, throughout each persona and perspective there are themes and experiences reflected which, although are common, are rarely talked about with such honesty. 

I loved the writing style which felt so natural and felt like a comforting smooth read. That being said, the themes are not comforting (Jesus). 

This novel cuts so close to the bone, I adored it, and can't wait to get stuck into Blue Sisters. Within the book, Mellors writes "New York.. it never knew what you wanted, so it offered you everything" and this book gave me everything. 

Rant over, go read the book xx