A review by jeanetterenee
The Animal Dialogues: Uncommon Encounters in the Wild by Craig Childs


I would give this book six stars if I could! This is one of the best nature books I have EVER read. Childs covers encounters with everything from mosquitoes to mountain lions. He has spent large blocks of time in true wilderness, sometimes under great hardship. He's a risk-taking crazy man at times, but he has respect for the creatures he meets along the way. He also writes beautifully about the majesty of the great outdoors.

I read this book slowly and savored every paragraph. The author manages to teach the reader much about the history, science and evolution surrounding each creature without being boring. He has distilled the most interesting bits of information so you don't have to read all those boring science books yourself.

Besides all this, the book is just fun and exciting to read. Childs has had some close calls with scary creatures.