A review by booklover160
Lucifer's Odyssey by Rex Jameson


Thank you Goodreads and Rex Jameson for the whole Primal Patterns series! That being said, even though I got this in a giveaway, it will not affect my review.

I will admit, it took a bit to get into this book. I was very confused very fast, but I persevered and I really did enjoy this book! I went to a Catholic grade/middle school growing up, so the stories of the Bible are not new to me. I did have to suspend that belief to enjoy this novel (and as someone who is now nonpracticing, it didn't bother me at all). And enjoy it I did! There were quiet a few laugh out loud moments and I was really rooting for Lucifer throughout.

Let's talk about characters for a hot minute. Yeah, Lucifer is the main character, but Sariel was my favorite. I don't know why, but the playboys are always my favorite; well that and he was the funniest. Not that Luke isn't funny, but he needs to lighten up! I enjoyed that we followed so closely to Lucifer, so that I felt the anger he did, the sadness he did, the joy he did. I thought the characters were very well thought out.

Plot, not going to lie, is a little all over the place. At first, I thought we'd stay on Earth, but that was a chapter at best. Then we were here, then there, then there, and kept jumping around. You really can't skim this novel without risk of missing some big plot points. But those intricacies of the plot really made this a wild ride.

(Quick edit: I forgot to talk about the prose! -gasp-) The writing in this novel is so beautiful, I thought I was there with the characters. This would make a fantastic TV show because I could clearly envision the novel and it's so thoughtful, I think it'd be a hit. The world building is UNREAL, like it's just so creative, lyrical, and just WOW. Major author envy at the Rex Jameson's skill.

There are a few things I didn't like. The pace is off, way too slow at time and way too fast at others. Some of the jokes didn't land right for me (Lucifer makes a kitchen joke, and while the recipient says she can still whoop his ass, it disappointed me to hear it come from him at all... and there are a few others). But overall, I think this first book was a lot of fun and I'll have to get around to the others soon!!