A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Paw and Order by Diane Kelly


Paw and Order by Diane Kelly is a delightful and funny book. It is the second book in the Paw Enforcement series. Megan Luz and her very smart K-9 partner, Brigit are off for adventures at the rodeo. Megan and Brigit are local celebrities after solving the “Tunabomber” case from Paw Enforcement (the first book in the series). Megan needs to solve a series of escalating robberies that are happening at the rodeo, deal with romantic issues, and try to keep Brigit out of her shoe closet. I truly enjoyed this book with its humor (especially Brigit’s thoughts), romance, and mystery. There is foul language in this book (not excessive). I loved this book and look forward the next book in this series. I did receive a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Paw and Order will be out on December 2 (I just love book release day)! Happy Reading!