A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
Some Kind of Animal by Maria Romasco-Moore


This book was so interesting and crazy. I was highly entertained from start to finish.

First, we met Jo, who was raised by her aunt after her mother goes missing and is never found, just after she is born. I loved Jo's story and how she would always escape into the night to run the woods with the sister that no one ever knew existed and never believed was real. You almost don't really know if her sister is real through most of the book since everyone, including her aunt and best friend, keeps telling her she is crazy and to stop making up stories.

Lee has been living in the woods since she was born. She sleeps, eats, and survives on her own. She never even knew she had a sister until she was five years old. She just showed up one day.

Aunt Aggie, her grandmother, and the rest of the town have always believed that Jo's mother was murdered by her ex-boyfriend and brother. They turned on the brothers even though there was never a body and never proof of what happened.

I won't give away the rest of the story, but I loved how the girl's stories unfold and the truths that are found out on everyone's part. Even the pastor, who is always trying to "save" Jo from turning out like her mother.

This story is heavy and sad at times, but learning the truth and watching them find their way was well worth the crazy up's and down's. My heart raced and ached for these girls. But my heart also filled with joy at the unconditional love they had for one another.

**Audiobook Review**

Jenna Lamia was the perfect narrator for this story. I felt she portrayed the girls perfectly as far as age and the different voices she used for them. She also used different voices for other characters that really brought the story to life.

Lamia knew just when to up the anti, and it was a huge reason I enjoyed the book so much. Though I think my heart would have been pounding from the book alone, Lamia knew how to liven up the action and make you feel as if you were right there in it.

I look forward to listening to other books narrated by Jenna Lamia in the future.