A review by kntaylor1216
The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine


I must be the only woman on the face of the planet who didn’t think this book lived up to its own hype.

The women I know who have read this book raved about it, and I was expecting the next Gone Girl. Lo and behold, this is not the next Gone Girl.

I can’t support the idea that a woman, no matter how pained and abused and beaten down she is, would willfully subject another woman (no matter how sneaky and untrustworthy) to the abuse and manipulation of her husband. Not only were Amber and Daphne contrived stereotypes of who these authors based their characters off of, they were so unbelievable in execution that I read it just to see if it would end in a (hopeful) death. I was disappointed from start to finish, and the twist wasn’t ‘twisty’ enough to really make much of an impact.