A review by iampotassium
Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer


This book is a die cut book of another book. I didn't even know you could do that. Who do you ask for permission if the original author is dead? Do you? That part is haunting me.

Anyway moving on - reading this book was an interesting experience. First you have to figure out how to read it. Then you have to figure out what is happening. I enjoyed the first 2/3 more than the last third. The very middle has some interesting ideas that spoke to me. The end was meh.

Favorite part: 'Only a few people noticed the lack of color, as in black and white photographs....anonymous gray which did not throw shadows and did not stress anything, a screen placed to hide the true meaning of things, a facade behind which there was an overintense coloring.'

I kinda liked the die cuts. It made for kind of a halting prose and I enjoyed the sound of it in my head. Especially when 'i' was lowercase and alone on a line.