A review by marissuhrose
Fury and Flame by H.R. Camarillo


*I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of Fury and Flame by H.R. Camarillo in exchange for an honest review*

I want to say how kind Hailie is. I wanted to read an ARC of this book so bad that even though her signups for the ARC were closed, she still sent me an ARC. I know she did not have to, and I truly appreciate the kind gesture.

With that being said, I really enjoyed this book like I thought I would. I know that this book is being shown as a dark romance/dark fantasy romance and it does have its moments but is not as “dark” as I was expecting. Nothing wrong with that I really enjoy regular fantasy and dark fantasy so either way I was still happy with how the story went.

Ollie is our Female Main Character (FMC). She is a witch in line for the throne and has a love of animals and a heavy heart when she lost her friend who was kidnapped. Ollie is also extremely outspoken, says what she wants, and does not take crap from anyone. While those are great and amazing qualities, I do have to say that Ollie did annoy me in the first half of the book because I felt that she was TOO assertive. There’s only so much that you can do to someone that doesn’t want anything romantic with you before it becomes too much. At least to me. As the story goes on, we actually see a different side of her where she starts to tone down and becomes genuinely likeable when she shows a side of herself that allows her to be real and vulnerable. I really enjoy that side of her.

Ryker is our Male Main Character (MMC) and is a tracker with a rough past who is friends with Prince Wraith who is also friends with Ollie. Ryker is also a mated male. However, he said goodbye to his mate over twenty years ago to save her. Ever since, Ryker has been refusing to let go of his mate and refusing to be happy. That is, until a brazen, wild witch shows up in his life that he cannot stop thinking about.
This is also my first story where there is an animal companion let alone multiple, I have to say that it was different to me in that aspect, but I did enjoy her little bat, Ghost.
The only reason I did not give this a 5-star rating is because I did have a hard time “believing” how easily Ryker was able to forget his “mate” he’s been pining over losing for twenty plus years and was so easily able to say that he couldn’t survive without Ollie in his life or that he had to have her and save her. That was unbelievable to me because it seemed like a drastic switch but other than that I really enjoyed this story.
Magic, witches, animal companions, revenge, antagonist to lovers, brazen outspoken women, and slow burn are your thing then you need to check out Fury and Flame. Be warned, book one ends on a cliffhanger!