A review by rebeccasheehy
Ice Cream for Breakfast: How Rediscovering Your Inner Child Can Make You Calmer, Happier, and Solve Your Bullsh*t Adult Problems by Laura Jane Williams


"Forgiving others – and forgetting about it – isn’t about excusing them so much as allowing ourselves peace. When we forgive, it’s easier to be happy or productive. Bearing a grudge can strip us of our dignity, in many ways – letting resentment fester is a sort of mental trap. Letting resentment fester is a sure-fire way to let it grow, too. Holding it in gives it oxygen, so it keeps burning. Letting it go can extinguish the flame. When we feel disempowered after we’ve been wronged, sometimes the only way to claim our power back is to set the terms of forgiveness – for ourselves. Not for them. We hold our heads higher when it’s us who have decided to move on. And we’re allowed to do that. Move on."

Some brilliant life advice from Laura Jane Williams!