A review by alongreader
You're So Dead by Ash Parsons


Plum is tired of her influencer sister getting freebies and attention. When an invitation arrives for 'the ultimate festival' Plum liberates it and invites her two best friends along with her. Things start to go wrong almost immediately, though, and they soon realise there are only a handful of people at the 'festival', almost no supplies, and worst of all; no internet. No, wait. Worst of all; people keep getting killed. Plum and her friends Marlowe and Sofia (back copy lists her as Antonio) have to figure out who the murderer is, and isn't, before they become the victims of the Murder Festival.

This is a fun, slightly over the top murder mystery. I've seen other readers complain that this isn't very serious, but it isn't meant to be; it's just a fun read, albeit one that makes complete sense and says some important things about influencer culture and about not being jealous of other people.

The action moves along beautifully; there's plenty of hints and things mentioned in passing that are important later. The characters are great. I'm so glad that one particular person wasn't the killer, but I won't say which. I also loved all the references to other thrillers in movies and books, too - really clever, and I've added a few to my watch/reading list!

There's a very small amount of romance in this book. Personally, I can take or leave romance, so I actually really enjoyed it, and I loved the focus on family and friend love instead. But I know some readers don't like books without romance, so just be aware.

If you're looking for a perfectly serious, average locked-room thriller, this isn't it. If you're looking for a fun, absorbing read that will have you gasping one minute and laughing the next - yep, this is the one. I really enjoyed.

You're So Dead publishes on the 15th of June, 2021. I received a free copy and am giving an honest review.