A review by samanthajayne_x
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Well, this is going to be a weird review I am writing a review for a book I hated but was brilliant. So bare with me I think this is the first time I’ve done that. This is my second Gillian Flynn book I read Gone Girl and had mixed feelings about that so to me really it is no surprise that I felt this way about the book. So let me get it out there now. I hated this book. I did not like it one bit. You will hear my reasoning now but erm just because it was bad does not mean I don’t know that Gillian Flynn is a genius!

So I hated all the characters except the detective Richard, he was the only one I liked out of them all I felt he was the most honest out of them and he just wanted to find out the truth to the murders rather than listen to what rumours were being circulated though he used that to his advantage. The relationship between him and Camille was really interesting, what saddens me is I thought they would have been a brilliant couple like if they stuck together they could have been. But it was an interesting dynamic she using him for a source on the report and him to learn about Amma and Adora.

Camille is one fucked up character. That is going to be my description for most of the characters in the book because it’s all true. Each and every one of them seems to be fucked up. Camille had a tragic childhood losing her sister and her mother not loving her at all seemingly. Camille had a bad experience for life, in my opinion, the fact she is a frequent self-harmer as well as how she uses sex, and her experiences of sex do not seem that pleasant especially where she would have sex with boy after boy she sounded so emotionless about it all and that it didn’t even matter. It’s like she used sex and cutting as a barrier to protect herself from things that happened which happen a lot in this book. Also, she seems like a massive alcoholic during this book but for the most part, she is always functioning.

Amma is a crazy fucking 13-year-old like she does not act 13 she acted so much older and the way she talked in this story was honestly disgusting and the way she treated people was horrible. I could see how much Amma and her mother were alike and honestly it was quite frightening in this circumstance especially because of the ending of this book. It felt like Amma belittled Camille and she let it happen which was even more shocking. What did shock me is the fact that they did drugs together! Omg! Like I’m 20 I could never imagine doing stuff like that :O

Adora erm she made me very uncomfortable from the start I did not like her I just got a completely weird vibe from her and my vibe was right. She was not a good person just her whole attitude was dodgy especially her attitude to Camille and how she would treat her and exaggerate things slightly between them. It was just a strange relationship looking at it was she saved from what her mother was doing? Or did her mother not doing just fuck her up even more? It’s a strange question that sort of has to be asked. Did it do more damage or less?

The plot was so sophisticated I have to hand it to Gillian Flynn she knows how to construct a brilliant and complex storyline which you can still understand and it not be too complicated. Although I disliked this book I can tell genius when I see it and this was honestly I was flipping pages wanting to know who did it and what happened and this book did that. Like if I was basing this review just on the fact of plot and world building this would be a 50 billion star it was fantastic. But this review isn’t that lol.

Windy gap is a sick town, are all small towns like that? Everybody knows everybody’s business? Like you can’t sneeze without someone else knowing that you sneezed. I would hate to live in a place like that but for this story, it worked! It worked fantastically.