A review by rmtroyer93
Halfway Dead by Terry Maggert


My Review:

What I Liked:

Plot. What made me pick it up and also drew me into this novel was setting/plot where Carlie is a white witch but also a short order cook. I really enjoyed the build up in the beginning where we followed her to her job, saw her relationship with her Gran (and Gus), and her home life. It made the reader connect with the character and get sucked into the plot.

Writing. I had no idea what to expect when I picked up this novel, it was one I had forgotten all about sitting on my kindle, but the writing style and character development made me happy I found it! I enjoyed Maggert's writing style, his details were great and I was able to connect with Carlie right away.

Characters. As I've said before, Carlie was a well-crafted main character who I connected with from the beginning. I also enjoyed the side characters, Gus, Carlie's familiar (who is a giant cat), the colorful characters at the diner where she cooks, and many more. I also liked the romance that slowly came to be by the end of the novel, it was not the character I expected but it was still fun to read about.

What I Disliked:

Length. The novel is less than 300 hundred pages and I felt that it could have been a lot longer. I believe we missed out on some more set up, getting a look into Carlie's day to day life as white witch and cook and how she balanced them both.

Ending. I felt that the last 30 or so pages of the novel were rushed. I would have liked to see more of Carlie's day to day life in Halfway or the main conflict/adventure not feel rushed near the end.

I recommend checking out this very underrated beginning to a great supernatural series, it has great characters and is an enjoyable read!

My Rating:

4.5 Stars Out of 5 Stars