A review by corita
The Heroine's Journey: For Writers, Readers, and Fans of Pop Culture by Gail Carriger


Knocked my socks off—looking for missing sock!

I love the book! In almost every chapter, I found myself evaluating my assumptions and prejudices. Wow! Before reading this book, I had a rudimentary grasp of the heroines journey. After reading it, I came away with a deeper understanding of the heroine’s journey and why certain stories resonate with me.

I am a collector of writing books. I love them. Reread them. Some I cherish because they’ve influenced my writing and story telling.

This book is a game changer for me.

For years, I’ve wondered why I love certain stories. Sure I could see commonalities among the stories, but I have eclectic tastes and had trouble seeing the connections of all the various genres. This book opened my eyes to the structures that tie my beloved stories together.

If you’re a fiction writer or someone who likes story structure, I enthusiastically recommend this book. It’s an intriguing book.