A review by a_h_haga
Becoming by Angilram, Kelley Armstrong



Compared to [b:Bitten|11918|Bitten (Otherworld, #1)|Kelley Armstrong|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1306101770l/11918._SY75_.jpg|2606334], I've only read this comic once. Now, as then, I had some trouble with it. The art isn't quite my cup of tea, and the format of the book is messy - the middle part of the pages is cut strangly, making the speads and even the normal pages hard to read.
I also had some trouble with how the story was told. It isn't as dark or animalistic as it is described in the book. It's a stupid thing to get hung up on, but I did.

I do like the Legacy pages, however! They're really interesting, as long as I think of them as written AFTER the series is over. And the last two spreads with Clay just breaks my heart.

So not a bad comic, but not something I reread for the fun of it. One could say that's because of the tone of the story, but I don't mind that. It's more about the quality of the book, unfortunatly.

Keeping the original rating.

Original rating: 3/5 stars