A review by queenholly
Crimson Shore by Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child


This book has me re-evaluating my relationship with Pendergast. People need to grow and change, and sometimes there comes a point in a relationship where you have to decide if it's time to move on. The longer I know Pendergast, the more he gets on my nerves. Traits I once found endearing, now make me roll my eyes and want to pull my hair. He's such a pompous, snobby ass. So many other reviewers have pretty much nailed my issues with this book, so I'll just skip the details and say it was a sloppy mashup of previous books, full of inconsistencies. 15 books in, I'll probably read the next one, but I suspect I'm going to outright hate Pendergast by the time it's over, and it could be a messy breakup.