A review by thegeekyblogger
The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper


Listened for Fun (Audible)
Overall Rating: 4.00
Story Rating: 3.75
Character Rating: 4.25

Audio Rating: 4.00 (Not part of the overall rating)

First thought when finished: Not quite as fun as Driving Mr Dead (and I still think this should have been book 1) but still a very fun ride!

Story Talk:
“I couldn’t have loved her more if she was my own child. But sometimes I considered shaving her eyebrows off while she slept.

For the sake of developing her character.”― Molly Harper, The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires

At the heart, The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires is a story of family. I love the dynamic between Iris and her sister. Every time they were the focus, I smiled--A LOT! Iris had to raise her sister because their parents died when Iris was in college (her sister is about 10 years younger) and she has done a fantastic job. Enter Cal, Greek Ancient Vampire who was just poisoned and well Iris' world is turned upside down. I loved how Cal interacted with the sisters and their love story was sweet. I thought the poison storyline was just ok but the humor kept me rolling till the very end!

Character Talk:
“Don’t tell them he’s upstairs , I commanded my brain. Tell them he moved to Pacoima to start a commune for vegetarian vampires. Tell them he’s looking into getting a sex-change operation and renaming himself Lulu Pleshette.” ― Molly Harper, The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires

Characters are where Molly Harper shines! She always writes the wittiest, cool (more in a geeky way though), and inherently flawed (in the best ways) characters. They are always easy to identify with and you want to root for them. She has a fast paced delivery of one-liners that will, at times, make you snort or laugh out loud. Cal, Iris, and Gladiola are all fantastic. Plus we get to see most of the crew from the Jane Jameson series which is always fun!

Audio Talk:
Narrated by Amanda Ronconi at a running time of 8 hrs and 55 mins

I loved the audiobook. Amanda has just enough snark to pull these characters off without a hitch. She does this series (and the Jane Jameson series) very well. I will say that I am not a fan of her man voices (though the accent helped in this one) but the women voices more than make up for it!

Final Thought: I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out :)