A review by leok
The Rise of IO by Wesley Chu


Well that was enjoyable.

It's been a while since I last read one of the Quasing books so I found myself a bit lost as I was force to recollect what had happened in the previous books. Luckily, Wesley Chu was clever in his use of hints throughout key points in the book. Subtlety reminding the reader of what’s transpired in previous books, without sounding like he was simply lifting whole passages from previous books.

The first 1/3 of the book was pretty much dedicated to introducing Ella Patal, Crate Town and its inhabitants. Something I knew was necessary to setup the characters and the events to come, but never felt it was a slog to get through. That being said, the pacing of the book only really started to pick up once the setup was complete, and an important Prophus agent
(Cameron Tang)
entered the story. Similar to previous Quasing books, once the action starts, it keeps going all the way to the end, with few respites in-between.

Finally, the last couple of lines in the book was not much of surprise, and heavily hinted upon through the various IO flashback chapter introductions. Having read similar story arcs in other Sci-Fi books, Cixin Liu's The Three-Body Problem book series being the first to come to mind,
it's never a good thing when aliens want to build a communication array on Earth.

I'm looking forward to see where Wesley Chu takes this universe he's created, and sure I'll like to how the Black Cat will land on her feet after the next Genjix encounter.