A review by cavalary
Asta a spus Seneca.Tu ce spui? by Lucius Annaeus Seneca


[EN: (RO below)]
Counting this as an actual book read feels even more like cheating than [b:the one|45446114|Seneca despre libertate|Seneca|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1556902608l/45446114._SX50_.jpg|70208186] received when I volunteered in the same place last year, since it’s just a collection of quotes with an overly inflated page count, each page containing one to three quotes, at most four in a few very rare cases, even when plenty of those quotes have no more than a few lines, so there are even pages only containing a couple of printed lines.
As for the quotes themselves, the first chapter may do so slightly less, but the next few clearly focus on those main tenets of Stoicism that I was saying a year ago I find infuriating, also being so similar to the crap pushed by the modern professional mental health field, not stopping at reining in excesses but demanding that all must maintain that inner happiness and grin and bear whatever happens, blaming victims and the less fortunate who do not do so and discouraging and even condemning demands for improvement… Which is also hypocritical from someone pushing for the widespread adoption of a certain style of thinking and living. And the chapter about teaching is another I made a particular note of in a negative way, going well past the idea that unnecessary knowledge is forced onto pupils and heavily criticizing seeking knowledge and studying in itself, past what this school of thought deems necessary.
But other chapters are more of a mixed bag, a few even focusing in large part on concepts I can get behind, though there are major contradictions between those about friendship and companionship and those about self-sufficiency. And the title and what’s printed at the back are invitations to make up your own mind and argue for your own views, so I’ll leave it at that. As I also said a year ago, proper comments about philosophy require far more time and attention than I’m willing to offer this at the moment… Though I will add that reading things from over 2000 years ago certainly shows how little people and society ever really change.

Sa adaug asta la numarul de carti citite imi da impresia ca trisez chiar mai mult decat [b:cea primita|45446114|Seneca despre libertate|Seneca|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1556902608l/45446114._SX50_.jpg|70208186] cand am fost voluntar in acelasi loc anul trecut, intrucat este doar o colectie de citate cu un numar umflat de pagini, fiecare pagina continand intre unul si trei citate, cel mult patru in cateva cazuri foarte rare, chiar si cand destule dintre acele citate n-au mai mult de cateva randuri, deci sunt chiar si pagini care contin doar vreo doua randuri tiparite.
Cat despre citatele in sine, primul capitol poate face asta ceva mai putin, dar urmatoarele cateva se concentreaza clar pe acele concepte principale ale stoicismului care pe spuneam acum un an ca le gasesc enervante, fiind de asemenea atat de asemanatoare cu rahaturile promovate insistent de profesionistii din domeniul sanatatii mentale moderne, neoprindu-se la limitarea exceselor ci solicitand ca toti sa isi mentina acea fericire interioara si sa suporte cu zambetul pe buze orice se intampla, invinovatind victimele si pe cei mai putin norocosi care nu fac asta si descurajand si chiar condamnand cerintele de imbunatatire... Ceea ce este si ipocrit din partea cuiva care solicita adoptarea la scara larga a unui anumit stil de gandire si viata. Si capitolul despre invatamant a fost altul de care am luat in mod deosebit nota in mod negativ, trecand mult de ideea ca sunt fortate cunostinte nenecesare asupra elevilor si criticand dur cautarea de cunostinte si studiul in sine, dincolo de ceea ce aceasta scoala de gandire considera necesar.
Insa alte capitole au plusuri si minusuri, cateva chiar concentrandu-se in buna parte pe concepte pe care le pot sustine, desi sunt contradictii majore intre cele despre prietenie si tovarasie si cele despre autosuficienta. Si titlul si ce-i tiparit la final sunt invitatii sa-ti iei propriile decizii si sa-ti sustii propriile pozitii, deci o sa raman la atat. Cum am spus si acum un an, comentariile serioase despre filozofie necesita mult mai mult timp si atentie decat sunt dispus sa ofer in acest moment… Dar voi adauga ca cititul unor lucruri de acum peste 2000 de ani cu siguranta arata cat de putin se schimba vreodata cu adevarat oamenii si societatea.