A review by inkandpages_
Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry


I never had my heart shattered more times in one book than it did reading this.

Friends has been my go to comfort show for decades. To this day, it’s the background show I put on when I read, clean, or I’m going to sleep.

I never knew how much Matthew Perry struggled. I knew a little bit, picking up on things in the show, but never how bad and how hard he struggled.

The way he describes his abandonment issues and never feeling like he was good enough absolutely broke me.

Whether the writing was bad or not, or the timeline was a little jumpy or confusing, it didn’t phase me. I am just blown away by the amount of pain and suffering addiction caused in his life.

As of now, he seems to be in a really good place, and I feel like his story may help others out there who struggle with addiction, to know they are not alone and that is is possible to get better.