A review by michellehenriereads
The Grave's a Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley


Since this is book nine in the series, and I've read them all, it should be an automatic clue that I quite enjoy Flavia.

If it's still a mystery why Flavia is one of my favorite detectives, I've collected nine clues for you, in honor of this being the ninth in the series:

Clue 1 - Sassy, brilliant, still naive and practical.

Clue 2 - Relationships brimming with danger, confusion and malice

Clue 3 - The onion layered character, devoted to Flavia - a mystery unto himself.

Clue 4 - Bumbling individuals who need to rely on the expertise of a child.

Clue 5 - Bygone era.

Clue 6 - Rather stiff and curious individuals.

Clue 7 - Whimsical, fanciful and yet creepy

Clue 8 - Hidden layers revealed while some are kept secret

Clue 9 - The ever faithful, though exasperated individual

I will add there was one element I deeply missed - Gladys the bike was nowhere to be found between the pages of this book. I adore Flavia's relationship with her bike.

Answers to clues:

Clue 1 - Flavia herself...

For more answers to clues go to www.talesuntangled.wordpress.com