A review by nonpassionproject
Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo by Heather Wardell


I found this light read to be fairly endearing... just what I was looking for in a quick escape from the technical and textbook literature. Four stars were given for its laugh out loud humor and relatability. I mean, who of us novice gym-goers immediately actually felt at home and not like an alien landing on another planet upon first entering The Gym. I still giggle thinking about her first day there. Along with the humor, it also depicts the relationships Candice holds with those around her. We all know who they are: the significant other, the best long time best friend you never want to lose, the critical mother, and of course, the ex -- whom you'd hope never to see again, and ends up making your life tailspin. I assume many people, men or women, can identify with one of her relationships, if not her situation. The downside to this book was the inconsistent narration and other technical details that distracted me while reading.