A review by maddiequinn
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


I picked this up because I was in a slump and i saw that this was a bunch of people's favorite back when they were also reading Percy Jackson and Harry Potter and all that, and that was easily my peak reading experience so i decided to give it a try.

Honestly, I liked the book, I read in about 24 hours and I've got the rest of the series on hold from the library, I'm gonna need the next one to come in before I leave for college so I have something for the plane.

There was definitely more sexual tension than I expected, not that that's necessarily a bad thing.

You can tell that this book came from the era it did (2013) because it's criminally early 2010s y/a. (once again, not a bad thing, I ate up Divergent and the Hunger Games after all) Cassie was a little too perfect and it would have been nice to see a few more flaws in her and we did get the typical love triangle (which i am 100% a sucker for) but it was written well and honestly really funny. Plus, Sloan was an amazing addition.

also!!! I didn't expect the ending. not even a little bit. looking back it was so obvious but you don't put the pieces together until it's right in front of you.