A review by lazydream
Charlie All Night by Jennifer Crusie


As usual.. Its a fun read... I read this to get away from the intense, disturbing writing of [b:Red Dragon|28877|Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter, #1)|Thomas Harris|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1309285070s/28877.jpg|925503] and this book did what its supposed to do. No ugly dreams and a happy mind :). I read this before going to sleep as i dint want disturbing Psycho on my mind.... And Jennifer Crusie is so good in distracting. Its not as awesome as her other books but not less worthy too. Its fun, cute and thoroughly entertaining.

Charlie is rough looking, funny, has natural charisma and not responsible and not at all career oriented and Allie is nice, responsible and career oriented. Both are As opp as one can be the only thing they have common is love for Chinese, Sex and Dogs. Its a good MOOD lifter so all you people who are down go pick up this one or any other Jennifer Cruise book.